Wreath Making video
Book on to our wreath making video class.
Make your own wreath in the comfort of your own home at a time to suit you.
Pick the day you wish to make your wreath and we will deliver all the materials needed all you will need is a pair of sissors.
You will recieve a video link in an email the day before your requested delivery.
Included in your delivery will be
- 1 X Mossed wreath ring
- Blue spruce greenery
- 1 x Fabric bow and hanger - we will confirm colour vis email
Mixed accessories to decorate your wreath will include a mixture of the following but not all.
- Dried oranges full
- Dried sliced fruit - Apples/oranges and lime
- Fir cones
- Cinamon sticks
- Lotus heads
- Pheasent Feathers